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Youth Council Meeting with Guest MP Eric Melillo

Have you wondered what it would be like to be a young Member of Parliament? Where would you start on that journey towards sitting in the House of Commons? 

At our next Youth Council Meeting, we will be hosting guest speaker Eric Melillo, Member of Parliament for Kenora and Shadow Minister for Northern Affairs & Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario to answer these questions. He has a passion for public service which inspired him to get into politics while studying economics at Lakehead University. MP Melillo is the first Gen Z MP, the youngest Conservative MP ever elected in Canada, and the youngest in the 43rd Canadian Parliament.

Since being elected in October 2019 ​at the young age of 21, MP Melillo has had a unique experience in his service as a Member of Parliament with the vast portion of his term taking place during the COVID-19 pandemic. During this meeting, Youth Council members will have an opportunity to ask what it is like to be a young person in politics, how to get youth engaged and any other questions they have for MP Melillo.

If you are able to join in the virtual Youth Council meeting please RSVP to Jill Ferguson via email at [email protected] or by phone at 519-637-2255.


May 19, 2021 at 7:00pm - 8pm
Zoom Communications